Shapes of the Spirits
>> Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The shapes familiar to the Spirits of Saturn
They appear for the most part with a tall, lean and slender body, with an angry countenance, having four faces; one in the hinder part of the head, one on the former part of the head, and on each side nosed or beaked: there likewise appeareth a face on each knee, of a black shining color: their motion is the moving of the winde, with a kinde of earthquake: their signe is which earth, whiter than any Snow. The particular forms are,
- A King having a beard, riding on a Dragon.
- An Old man with a beard.
- An Old woman leaning on a staffe.
- A Hog.
- A Dragon.
- An Owl.
- A Black Garment.
- A Hooke or Sickle.
- A Juniper-tree.

The Spirits of Jupiter do appear with a body sanguine and cholerick, of a middle stature, with a horrible fearful motion; but with a milde countenance, a gentle speech, and of the color of Iron. The motion of them is flashings of Lightning and Thunder; their signe is, there will appear men about the circle, who shall seem to be devoured of lions. Their particular forms are,
- A King with a Sword drawn, riding on a Stag.
- A Man wearing a Mitre in long rayment (Honso Mitratus).
- A Maid with a Laurel-Crown adorned with Flowers.
- A Bull.
- A Stag.
- A Peacock.
- An Azure Garment (Azurino Vestis).
- A Sword.
- A Box-tree (Buxus).

They appear in a tall body, cholerick, a filthy countenance, of color brown, swarthy, or red, having horns like Harts horns, and Griphins claws, bellowing like wilde Bulls. Their motion is like fire burning; their signe Thunder and Lightning about the circle. Their particular shapes are,
- A King armed riding upon a Wolf.
- A Man armed.
- A Woman holding a buckler on her thigh.
- A Hee-goat.
- A Horse.
- A Stag.
- A Red Garment.
- Wool.
- A Cheeslip.

The Spirits of the Sun do for the most part appear in a large, full and great body sanguine and gross, in a gold colour, with the tincture of blood. Their motion is as the Lightning of Heaven; their signe is to move the person to sweat that calls them. But their particular forms are,
- A King having a Scepter riding on a Lion.
- A King crowned.
- A Queen with a Scepter.
- A Bird.
- A Lion.
- A Cock.
- A yellow or golden Garment.
- A Scepter.

They do appear with a fair body, of middle stature, with an amiable and pleasant countenance, of colour white or green, the upper part golden. The motion of them is as it were a most clear Star. For their signe, there will seem to be maids playing without the Circle, which will provoke and allure him that calleth them to play. But their particular forms are,
- A King with a Scepter riding on a Camel.
- A Maid clothed and dressed beautifully.
- A Maid naked.
- A Shee-goat.
- A Camel.
- A Dove.
- A white or green Garment.
- Flowers.
- The herb Savine.

The Spirits of Mercury will appear for the most part in a body of middle stature, cold, liquid and moist, fair, and with an affable speech; in a humane shape and form, like unto a Knight armed; of color clear and bright. The motion of them is as it were silver-colored clouds. For their signe, they cause and bring horror and fear into him that calls them. But their particular shapes are,
- A King riding upon a Bear.
- A fair Youth.
- A Woman holding a distaffe.
- A Dog.
- A Shee-bear.
- A Magpie.
- A Garment of sundry changeable colors.
- A Rod.
- A little Staffe.

They will for the most part appear in a great and full body, soft and phlegmatic, of color like a black obscure cloud, having a swelling countenance, with eyes red and full of water, a bald head, and teeth like a wilde boar. Their motion is as it were an exceeding great tempest of the Sea. For their signe, there will appear an exceeding great rain about the Circle. And their particular shapes are,
- A King like an Archer riding upon a Doe.
- A little Boy.
- A Woman-hunter with a bow and arrows.
- A Cow.
- A little Doe.
- A Goose.
- A Garment green or silver-colored.
- An Arrow.
- A Creature having many feet.
For future reference.
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