Magickal Invocations

>> Saturday, January 3, 2009

Invocation for Sunday (SOL):

Come, Heavenly Spirits who have the effulgent rays of the Sun, Luminous Spirits who are ready to obey the power of the great Tetragrammaton, come and assist me in the operation that I am making under the auspices of the Grand Light of Day which the Eternal Creator hath formed for the use of universal nature. I invoke you for these purposes. Be favorable and auspicious to what I shall ask in the Name of Amioram, Adonai, Sabaoth.

sunday invocation diagram 

 Invocation for Monday (MOON):

Haste ye Sublime and Intelligent Genii who are obedient to the Sovereign Arcana, come and assist me in the operation that I undertake under the auspices of the Grand Luminary of the Night. I invoke you to this end and implore you to be favorable and hear my entreaties in the Name of Him Who commands the spirits of the Four Quarters of the Universal Mansions: Inhabit, Bileth, Mizabu, Abinzaba.
diagram for sunday invocation 
Invocation for Tuesday (MARS):

Come Children of the Red Genii who have executed the order of the Sovereign Master of the Universe upon the armies of the rash Sennacherib, come and assist me in the operation that I undertake under the auspices of the third brilliant luminary of the firmament; be favorable to my entreaties in the Name of Adonay Sabaoth.
diagram for tuesday invocation 
Invocation of Wednesday (MERCURY):

Run to me with speed, come to me ye Spirits of Mercury who preside over the operation of this day, hear favorably the present invocation that I make to you under the Divine Names of Venoel, Uranel, be kind and ready to second my undertakings. Render them efficacious.
diagram for wednesday invocation 
Invocation for Thursday (JUPITER):

Come speedily ye Olepid Spirits who preside over the operation of this day. Come, Incomprehensible Zebarel and all your legions, haste to my assistance and be propitious to my undertakings, be kind and refuse me not your powerful aid and assistance.
diagram for thursday invocation 
Invocation for Friday (VENUS):

Come on the wings of the wind, ye happy Genii who preside over the workings of the heart. Come in the Name of the Great Tetragrammaton; hear favorably the Invocation that I make this day, destined to the wonder of love. Be ready to lend me your assistance to succeed in what I have undertaken under the hope that you will be favorable to me.
diagram for friday invocation 
Invocation for Saturday (SATURN):

Come out of your gloomy solitude ye Saturnine spirits, come with your cohort, come with diligence to the place where I am going to begin my operation under your auspices; be attentive to my labors and contribute your assistance that it may rebound to the honor and glory of the Highest.
diagram for saturday invocation

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